Birth of Nicole Caitlin- 18/10/07
Copyright - Kirsten Taylor - 2006
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On Thursday 18th October at 12.44pm, we welcomed baby Nicole Caitlin into the world. She weighed 7lb 12oz and was born two days before her official due date.

Unfortunately, she had to be born by elective caesarean, as she was breech and despite trying everything from watching TV with my bum in the air, trying to get the baby turned in hospital to waiving large cigar thingies at my toes, she did not want to budge.

Therefore, out went my wish of a lovely home birth in a pool, and this is us waiting for me to go into theatre. After 4 hours or so, it was our turn...I was very nervous....
First of all I was taken into theatre to have a spinal block. Once this had taken effect, Tony was allowed in. I was extremely relieved to see him. Nicole was born very quickly and was very healthy and vocal. She did have the cord wrapped round her neck twice, quite high up, so this probably explains why she wouldn't turn. The midwives made sure that I could have skin to skin contact straight away which was great. Things did get a little scary after that, as I was bleeding a lot from the incision and it took them a long time and a few extra surgeons to get things under control, but eventually they did and we all went back to the ward, me 31/2 pints of blood lighter !!!
We were put in the high dependency ward, which sounds scary, but in fact it just meant we got a lot of one on one attention, which was lovely. This is Nicole being given a bath by one of the midwives...already a bit of a thinker it seems....

In fact, although for me having a ceasarean was much more scary than my first birth, the midwives and nurses were all lovely and still made it a very positive experience, and the most important thing by far, is that Nicole was born healthy and beautiful.